Risk Analyzer

It is highly advisable to complete the online Risk Analyzer to ensure that you understand the risks associated by investing in the various Kanaan Funds. It will also give you an indication of your current tolerance to risk. This will greatly assist you in your investment decision.

Click here to download Risk Analyzer.

Notes on the Risk Analysis:

Prof. Bartin Biggs in his book, ‘Wealth, War and Wisdom’, says “the things you do to protect yourself during a period of depression can wipe you out during a period of high inflation and vice-versa. The secret is to be flexible and to adapt to changing circumstances. The worst thing you can do is to do nothing and to leave everything in the hands of fate”.

The Risk Analyzer document of Kanaan can be useful if the investor together with his broker (if possible) read all the questions carefully in conjunction with the risk levels document and the fund fact sheets.